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Переведите на английский:
1. В мире существуют три основных правовых системы, а именно: общее право, континентальное право и религиозное право.
2. Правовые системы стран Европы относятся к континентальному праву, в основе которого лежит Римское право.
3. Общее право и право справедливости основываются на доктрине прецедентов или на принципе Римского права stare decisis, который означает "придерживаться решений".
4. Общее право сформировалось в Англии и было унаследовано всеми странами, некогда входившими в состав Британской империи, за исключением Мальты, Шотландии, американского штата Луизиана и провинции Квебек в Канаде.

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Ответы на вопрос:


There are three main legal systems in the world, namely, common law, continental law, and religious law.

2. the Legal systems of European countries belong to the continental law, which is based on Roman law.

3. the Common law and the law of justice are based on the doctrine of precedents or on the principle of Roman law stare decisis, which means "to adhere to decisions".

4. the Common law was formed in England and was inherited by all countries that were once part of the British Empire, with the exception of Malta, Scotland, the us state of Louisiana and the province of Quebec in Canada.

1. There are three main legal systems in the world, namely: common law, continental law and religious law.

2. The legal systems of European countries relate to continental law, which is based on Roman law.

3. The common law and the law of justice are based on the doctrine of precedents or on the principle of Roman law stare decisis, which means “adhere to decisions”.

4. Common law was formed in England and was inherited by all countries that were once part of the British Empire, with the exception of Malta, Scotland, the American state of Louisiana and the province of Quebec in Canada.

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