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с английским

Выберите правильный вариант
1. All sorts of things … on buses.
a. are being left b. left c. are left d. has been left
2. Jimmy … from school every day at 1 o’clock.
a. collects b. is collected c. is being collected d. has being collected
3. Dan … badly in the game yesterday.
a. was hurt b. hurt c. is being hurt d. hurted
4. The table … only a month before it already looked old.
a. had been delivered b. has been delivered c. had delivered d. delivered
5. I think she … in 1989 or 1987, but I am not sure.
a. born b. is born c. was born d. borned
6. That actress … since 1985.
a. wasn’t seen b. isn’t seen c. hasn’t been seen d. hadn’t been seen
7. We can’t go to that restaurant. It … a month ago.
a. closes b. was closed c. has been closed d. had been closed
8. My boss … me a raise this month.
a. isn’t given b. isn’t giving c. doesn’t give d. hadn’t been seen
9. This theatre … (build) over 100 years ago.
a. had been built b. has been built c. was built d. built
10. Is your car still for sale? — No. It … already (sell).
a. has been sold b. had been sold c. was sold d. is being selling
11. Sometimes mistakes … (make).
a. are made b. are being made c. have been made d. are maked
12. For the past few days I (work) in Jack’s office, as my own … (decorate).
a. have been working/ is being decorated b. worked / decorated c. am worked/ is being decorated. d. worked/ was decorated
13. While my friend … (talk) to me, his wallet … (steal).
a. was being talked/ was being stolen b. was talking/ was stolen c. talked/stole d. talk/stole
14. The mice ... the cheese.
a. have eaten b. have been eaten c. has eaten d. has been eaten
15. ‘Where ...?’ ‘In London’.
a. were you born b. are you born c. have you been born d. did you born
16. The secretary ..... to her new boss yesterday.
a. introduced b. has been introduced c. is introduced d. was introduced
Заполните пропуски предлогами with / by.
17. Не is followed … the police
18. Hamlet was written … Shakespeare.
19. The bottle was filled … whiskey.
Перепишите предложения из активного залога в пассивный.
20. Sheila is drinking a cup of tea
21. They don't allow smoking at this restaurant.
22. They promise us higher wages
23. They will arrive at some agreement.

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Интернет стал одним из важнейших фактов современной жизни. это большая часть современного мира. его последствия остаются во всем мире. она вошла в дома, магазины, аэропорты и фабрики. но интернет никогда не окажет влияния на цивилизацию написанного слова. книга-это мелочь, дешевая, портативная, нерушимая, бесконечно многоразовая, оказывает наибольшее влияние на мир. какое у вас мнение? работа в группах 3 и 4

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