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Впиши в слова пропущенные буквы, и ты познакомишься с героем стихотворения известной сказочницы Матушки Гусыни. _ee _illie _inkie is _ice and _rie_ _ _y..
[wi: 'wili 'winki iz 'nais ən 'frendli]

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Ответы на вопрос:

Wee Willie Winkie is nice and friendly.

wee willie winkie is nice and friendly

What do you think english language is important or not? -  i think english is important. - why inglish so inportant to travel? -  english is important in the journey because you should be able to talk to people who speak english. for example, you should be able to ask in english. - do you often speak with native speaker? -  i rarely talk with english speakers

Популярно: Английский язык