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List all the foods/drinks you have had in the last two days. Has your diet been healthy? Write a short paragraph about it.
10-11 предложений
18 баллов​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Yesterday for breakfast I ate oatmeal with honey and drank cocoa, for a snack I had toasts with butter and tea, for lunch I ate onion soup with croutons, buckwheat porridge and drank dried fruit compote, for dinner I had baked fish with vegetables and tomato juice. Today I had breakfast with Fried Eggs and drank coffee with milk, I had oatmeal with a canopy and drinking yogurt for lunch, I had lunch with borsch with garlic, and pasta, for dinner we ate the whole family with baked chicken in sauce and drank yesterday’s compote.


Переводила на переводчике вот перевод.

Вчера на завтрак я ел овсяную кашу с медом и пил какао, на перекус у меня были тосты с маслом и чаем, в обед я ел луковый суп с гренками, гречневую кашу и пил компот из сухофруктов, на ужин у меня была запеченая рыба с овощами и томатный сок. Сегодня я завтракал яичницой " Глазунья" и пил кофе с молоком, на перекус у меня были овсяные хлопья с пологом и питьевой йогурт, обедал я борщем с чесночницой, и макаронами, на ужин мы всей семьей ели запеченую курицу в соусе и допивали вчерашний компот.

1)they have got three dogs and two cats. 2)he has got a lot of friends.3) an insect has got six legs. 4) quick! hurry! we have not got much time. 5) how much money have you got? 6. has your father got a car? 7. jim has got a bicycle. 8. have you got a passport. 9. mr. and mrs. johnson have got two children, a boy and a girl. 10. it’s a nice town. it has got a very nice shopping centre.

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