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Откройте скобки, используя Participle I, Gerund или Infinitive с частицей to или без нее. ответ запишите в виде комбинации цифр и букв.

1. Stop (make) ______ that dreadful noise.
a) making (Gerund) b) making (Participle I) c) make d) to make

2. I like (bathe)_____ in the sea.
a) bathing (Gerund) b) bathing (Participle I) c) bathe d) to bathe

3. You must (do)____ what I tell you (do)_____ without (ask)_____ why.
a) doing (Gerund) b) doing (Participle I) c) do d) to do
a) doing (Gerund) b) doing (Participle I) c) do d) to do
a) asking (Gerund) b) asking (Participle I) c)ask d) to ask

4. Let him (come) ______ again tomorrow.
a) coming (Gerund) b) coming (Participle I) c) come d) to come

5. What made you (think) ______ so?
a) thinking (Gerund) b) thinking (Participle I) c) think d) to think

6. He came down to tea after (wash) _____ his face.
a) washing (Gerund) b) washing (Participle I) c) wash d) to wash

7. (Play) _____ the piano requires skill.
a) Playing (Gerund) b) Playing (Participle I) c) Play d) To play

8. (Live) ______ long, you should (take) ______ regular exercises.
a) Living (Gerund) b) Living (Participle I) c) Live d) To live
a) taking (Gerund) b) taking (Participle I) c) take d) to take

9. Try (solve) _____ the puzzle without (look) ______ at the answer.
a) solving (Gerund) b) solving (Participle I) c) solve d) to solve
a) looking(Gerund) b) looking (Participle I) c) look d) to look

10. I saw a man (stand) _____ at the street corner (sell) _____ newspapers.
a) standing (Gerund) b) standing (Participle I) c) stand d) to stand
a) selling (Gerund) b) selling (Participle I) c) sell d) to sell

11. Every evening we used (sit) ______ at the fire-place (speak) ______ about our friends.
a) sitting (Gerund) b) sitting (Participle I) c) sit d) to sit
a) speaking (Gerund) b) speaking (Participle I) c) speak d) to speak

12. I tried (amuse) ______ the baby (keep) _____ it from (cry) _____.
a) amusing (Gerund) d) amusing (Participle I) c) amuse d) to amuse
a) keeping (Gerund) b) keeping (Participle I) c) keep d) to keep
a) crying (Gerund) b) crying (Participle I) c) cry d) to cry

13. Would you like (see) _____ them?
a) seeing (Gerund) b) seeing (Participle I) c) see d) to see
14. Would you like (visit) _____ London?
a) visitting (Gerund) b) visitting (Participle I) c) visit d) to visit
15. I stopped for a moment (speak) ______ to him.
a) speaking (Gerund) b) speaking (Participle I) c) speak d) to speak

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Lot of interesting subjects art marks break the desk

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