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Ответ на это письмо на языке ! : я ненавижу рекламу, она везде! а тебе нравится реклама? ты находишь ее полезной? где можно найти рекламу в твоем городе? кстати, приближается рождество. майк." (переводить выше перечисленное письмо не надо, надо написать ответ на это письмо на )

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Ответы на вопрос:

Hi there, i hate commercials too!   commercial advertisement is everywhere in my town too!   i don't like advertisement.  i find it very agressive and boring, it is not useful. in my town advertisement is broadcast on tv and radio.  there are also many advertizing posters and banners in the streets. especially now at christmas time.   i hope you will have a nice holiday. jack.

1. i should be delighted if i (had) such a beautiful fur-coat. 2. if it (rains), we shall have to stay at home. 3. if he (had worked) hard, he would have achieved great progress. 4. if it is not too cold, i (shall not put) on my coat. 5. i (would have written) the composition long ago if you had not disturbed me. 6. if he (didn't read) so much, he would not be so clever. 7. if my friend (is) at home, he will tell us what to do. 8. if he were not such an outstanding actor, he (would not have) so many admirers. 9. if you (give) me your address, i shall write you a letter 10. if she (were not) so absent-minded, she would be a much better student.

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