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Test 1
1. He was very proud ... being English.
a) of b) - c) with

2. ... British are fond of sports.
a) The b) A c) -

3. Her house is on ... River Thames.
a) a b) the c) -

4. What's the cheapest way ... getting from London to Paris?
a) on b) of c) to

5. He ... all the documents.
a) look at b) looked down c) looked through

6. My friend Cyril can ... tasty cakes.
a) do b) make c) produce

7. My aunt lived on ... ground floor.
a) a b) the c) -

8. Who ... you to play the guitar, Fred?
a) taught b) studied c) learnt

9. What are you …? I am … my book.
a) looking about b) looking for c) looking forward

10. Everybody … sports nowadays.
a) goes to b) goes for c) goes in for

11. He … remembers what happened last year.
a) yet b) still c) already

12. Cook it … boiling salted water.
a)in b) into c) to

13. I don’t like tea. Can I have …?
a) something more b) something other c) something else

14. Do you know how … it is from London to Yerevan?
a) long b) far c) near

15. I haven’t smoked … ages.
a) for b) since c) at

16. Kate is … the three.
a) the most intelligent of b) most intelligent that c) more intelligent as

17. How do you get to school? It depends … weather.
a) of b) in c) on

18. Football, chess and tennis are… .
a) matches b) games c) plays

19. They are going to Italy … next summer.
a) the b) a c) –

20. He … smoking two years ago.
a) gave in b) finished c) gave up

21. How do I get … the Town Hall?
a) to b) on c) in

22. Show me … you have written.
a) which b) what c) who

23. What … wonderful weather!
a) a b) the c) –

24. Will you … me some money?
a) take b) lend c) borrow

25. She saw him … .
a) the other day b) one of these days c) while a few days

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1. Мои родители никогда не ходят в кино. Never(никогда) - указатель Present Simple, а значит - go.
2. Привет, Марк! Проходи! Я делаю домашнюю работу.
Из ситуации понятно, что действие происходит в данный момент, а это значит ответ - am doing в Present Continuous.

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