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1. tioncoa

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3. litybiasoci

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 action или cation

2  empathy

3 sociability


1. action

2. empathy

3. Sociability


мне все же кажется в первом какая то ошибка , может быть. Никак не найду подходящее.

Если перевод должен быть на , то вот: i heard that your friend broke up. if your friend broke up and then immediately found a new girl, then this is very bad, this is a betrayal. your friend did not even know the past girl. but if your friend has been in a relationship for a long time, then it can be forgiven, because people may not be suitable for each other. in a few years, this will be reflected in the relationship and already the guy with the girl may not find common topics for conversation. therefore, in some cases, i support your friend. the main thing in a relationship is to have common topics for conversation, always believe and support your boyfriend or girlfriend. you always have a chance to get your boyfriend or girlfriend back. for starters, you should wait a while for everything to be forgotten. it is necessary that someone forgive someone. this is all done for a long time to get the trust back.

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