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Something that people should undertake sometimes but what should be carefully weighed. you must never though do it with your life. it usually is mentioned in connection with the money, banks or finance. начинается на r, всего 4 буквы, ​

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My favourite dog. since the childhood i loved dogs, and parents presented to me a sheep-dog. we named her jesse. i became interested in jesse's origin. generally when we speak about sheep-dogs, we represent a strong, clever and beautiful dog. and what i still know about this breed of dog? it turned out that almost nothing. and here, studying material about sheep-dogs, i found out that earlier - it was the guard dog. she watched for sheep therefore there was such name "sheep-dog". actually there are about 40 species of sheep-dogs. having studied breeds of sheep-dogs more deeply, i found out that presented to me the central asian sheep-dog. its breed is really unique. jesse was white color, at the same time she had red spots. it had very expressive eyes. it had very powerful neck and paws. we cut off ears in the early childhood therefore now they at it trailing. it turned out that jesse, more precisely her breed, very ancient origin. having studied, all history of ancestors of jesse, i understood as it changed over time. this was not a shepherd's dog, but domestic, my dog. she is very tender and kind dog. when we leave to walk with it, it is friendly with all, likes to play. we with jesse together 10 years. every day i understand that i love it very much more and more. 

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