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Task. Choose ONE card, speak about the topic and answer the questions.
1. How often do you listen to music?
Reading books
1. How often do you read books?
2. When do you normally listen to music?
2. When do you normally read books?
3. What is your favourite book?
3. Can you do other activities when you
listen to music?
4. Where do you like reading books?
4. What music do you like?
1. What types of art activities do you
1. What poem have you learnt by heart
2. What art activity are you fond of?
2. When did you learn it?
3. Describe your activity.
3. What is this poem about?
4. When and where do you like doing it?
4. Did you like the poem? Why? Why not?​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. american students spend six hours a day. … study five days a week. (they) 2. the minimum age for leaving school is 17. but in some states … is 18. (it) 3. the business community helped students. … offered … jobs and scholarships. (it, them) 4. many parents are involved in working for better quality education. … help … children keep schools in good repair. (they, their) 5. the student studies four or five major subjects per year. if … fails a course, … repeats only that course. (he, he) 6. … was necessary to improve the system of education. (it) 7. public schools are free. … are supported by the government. (they) 8. in the usa there are many universities. the most famous of … are harvard, princeton and yale. (them) 9. the state colleges charge a free for tuition. … fee is higher for … who come outside the state. (this, those) 10. corporations give grants to universities. … money must improve teacher education. (this) 11. students can take advanced courses. … courses prepare students for university study. (these) 12. the major aim of … or … method of teaching is to improve education in general. (this, that)

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