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Внимательно читайте задания и инструкции. В блоке чтение: читаете текст и определяете True/False, + ( ); заполняете краткое ревью фильма (Tittle, starring, genre - жанр будет один) -

В блоке письмо СТРОГО следуйте заданию и плану! ПИСЬМО ПИШЕМ РУЧКОЙ НЕ в ворде! (На компе и ноуте печатать нельзя, нет еще раз повторю: НЕ печатать, а пишем в ручную ручкой с ручкой!)

Структура написанного текста по стилю и оформлению соответствует неформальному письму -

Ученик использует 10 новых слов, включая новые прилагательные -

Содержание (контент) абзацев соответствует указанному плану -

Знакомые слова пишет без ошибок -

Два предложения записаны в Simple Passive Voice (пассивный залог простого времени) -

Объем написанного письма 80-90 слов -

Summative assessment for the unit Entertainment and Media, Reading for pleasure
Learning objectives: 7.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics; 7.W7 use with minimal support appropriate layout at text level for a growing range of written genres on familiar general and curricular topics; 7.UE9 use appropriately a variety of active and passive simple present and past forms and past perfect simple forms on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
Duration: 30 min
Task1. Read the text and mark the statements True or False.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is one of the Harry Potter films, with excellent graphics and great action scenes. It is a must-see blockbuster hit! Daniel Radcliffe plays Harry and along with Rupert Grint and Emma Watson they once again capture the audience. The film takes us through Harry’s sixth year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
The film begins when he accidentally discovers the old book. Inside it says “This book is the property of the Half-Blood Prince”. He starts to learn more about his enemy Lord Voldemort and his dark past.

He also uses the book to become one of the best students. At the same time Harry is working hard with headmaster Professor Dumbledore in private to learn about Voldemort. Someday he’ll find out who the true owner of the book is.
There is also a taste of romance in the film as well. To find out more you must go and see Harry Potter and the Half –Blood Prince. The combination of good and evil, action and romance is excellent. This is sure to be a box office hit yet again! Don’t miss it.

The film is for people who like action and adventures.
There is no romance in this film
The identity of a Half-Blood Prince is a mystery.
Harry believes the Professor Dumbledore can help find out about Lord Voldemort.

Task2. Fill in the review according to this text.

Writing. Task3( an email, describing the film you saw and liked)
Think of your favourite film. Write an email to your English pen-friend describing it (80-90 words). Use the plan below.

Paragraph1: opening remarks, reasons for writing, (How was your weekend? Last time you asked me about… Recently I…. It is my favourite film.)
Paragraph2: describe the film shortly, who are in the cast? How was their play? What about special effects?
(The film is about. The cast is …. The actors’ play is …. )
Paragraph3: Your feelings, recommendations, closing remarks. (It is a ……film. I liked ... most of all. I think….
I have to go now,)
Take care,
Yours faithfully,
(Your name)

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В) fed up with устойчивое выражение

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