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Rewrite the following phrases using the possessive case (’s).

1) the ball of the dog

2) the skateboard of that man

3) the songs of the musicians

4) the children of peter

5) the umbrella of their grandmother

6) the room of his friend

7) the questions of her son

8) the wife of my brother

9) the table of our teacher

10) the poems of pushkin

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Ответы на вопрос:


если нет конкретного , должны подойти эти ответы:

1) it's ball

2) his skateboard

3) their songs

4) his children

5) her umbrella / their grandmother's umbrella

6) his/her room / his friend's room

7) his question / her son's question

8) his wife

9) his/her table / our teacher's table

10) his poems


possessive case заключается в замене подлежащего местоимением и требует использования слов:

my, mine, our, ours, its, his, her, hers, their, theirs, your, yours.

Are- глагол,you-это как ты,так и вы.поэтому ставим are.от to be вторая форма к you будет were.

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