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3 Read and circle 1 Anna goes / is going to the park every weekend.
3 You watch / watched TV on Sunday mornings.
5 Amy eats / is eating an apple every day.
2 We played are playing football last Saturday.
4 Mum and Dad work y are working now.
6 I listen, listened to my new CD yesterday. W​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. economics as a science of two disciplines: microeconomics and macroeconomics. b) consists  2. he ever keynes? a) has, read  3. output for export to climb.   a) continued 4. certain clauses of contract must and signed. a) be written  5. some of the items necessary in any contract. b) are  6. this method when the buyers are unknown to the sellers. c) is used 7. this method of payment risk.   b) involves  8. goods for export to be properly packed.   b) are  9. adam smith to the principal economic beliefs of his day. c) objected 10. although modern technology the principles of the division of labour remain unchanged.   c) has improved 11. standard of living in many nations continues to decline. a) developed  12. simply the equation of exchange tells that total spending is equal to the total value of goods and services produced by the economy. c) stated 13. in marx’s view, the course of history almost solely by economic forces. a) determines  14. during the 1960s it was believed that unemployment to 4% of labour force without causing inflation. a) could be reduced  15. opportunity cost an important concept in microeconomics. 4 a) is 

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