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"времена группы perfect"

we ten countries this year.


have visited

had visited

i sam for ages.

did not see

have not seen

has not seen

i was late because i in a jam.

had stick


had stuck

we went out after it raining.


had been stopped

had stopped

the house he was of a modern design.

was built


had built

my mother was worried because i in touch with her for a long time.

haven’t been

hadn’t been


you much efforts before you can run a marathon.

will have spent

have spent


you all these books by the exam time?

will/ have read

have/ have

had/ read

she the movie before you bring the dvd.

has seen

will has seen

had seen

the assignment by next monday.

will has finished

has finished

had finished

your homework before you went to the cinema?

had you finished

did you finished

you had finished

when they came home, sue dinner already.

has cooked

had cooking

had cooked

they homework yet.

a) will have not finished

b) had not finished

c) have not finished

14. yes, she has.

a) has sue kissed ben?

b) have sue kisses ben?

c) have sue kisses ben?

15. caron pages.

a) has read

b) had read

c) will has read

16. they before we come

a) will have had

b) have had

c) had had

17. one year! everyone !

a) have forgotten

b) will have forgotten

c) had forgotten

18. tony house.

a) has built

b) had built

c) will has built

19. yes, i have.

a) you have corrected my mistakes?

b) have you correct my mistakes?

c) have you corrected my mistakes?

20. he the bill and

a) paid, left

b) had paid, left

c) paid, had left​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Picturesque, high-rise , hospitable, convenient, attractive

Популярно: Английский язык