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put the words in the right order

1 sunday/ my/ you/ come / party/ to/ on/will/night?
2 love/ weather / their / english? don’t? the
3 wil/l exam/this / to / pass / if / work / you / hard / you
4 borrows / forom / money /her / often / she / parents
5 princess / the / lay / slept / for / 20 / and / years / down

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:


1. will you come to my party on night?

2. the english (тут лучше было бы сказать british) don't love their weather?

3. you will pass this exam if you work hard to this.

4. she often borrows money for her parents.

5. princess slept down the lay for 20 years

Перевод вопроса: какая погода сейчас? погода теплая,можно гулять и веселиться с друзьями.кататься на велосипеде(или на самокате). люблю такую погоду. на : the weather is warm, you can go out and have fun with friends.red a bike (or scooter) .very love this weather. ·

Популярно: Английский язык