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Exercise 6. Present Simple/ Present Continuous

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the "Present Simple" or "Present Continuous".

1. He often………. ………….(go) to the cinema.

2. They …………………………(watch) TV at the moment.

3. John is outside………………………… (wash) the car.

4. Nina usually ………………………… (drive) to work.

5. Father ………………………… (lie) on the sofa now.

6. Claire ………………………… (not/like) pizza.

II. Complete with the present simple or present continuous

1 Peter and Lucy are watchingTV at the moment, (watch)

2 Weto the cinema every week, (not go)

3 The babyright now. (not sleep)

4 We usuallyour grandparents on Sundays, (visit)

5 What's that noise?the violin again? (Lucy / play)

6 Benhis new shoes today, (wear)

7 her room every day? (Emma / tidy)

8 today? (your father / work)

9 Imy teeth three times a day. (brush)

10 the house on Saturdays? (your mother / clean)

Exercise 7. Write the correct form of Present Simple or Present Continuous

1. We (to be) always ready for our lessons.

2. My mother (to cook) very well.

3. My granny (not to work).

4. My father (not to be) at home now. He (to work) at his office.

5. What you (to do) now? I (to read) the poem.

6. Tom usually (to get up) at seven o'clock.

7. Where you (to live)?

8. Where Ann (to be)? She (to sleep).

9. Sometimes he (to watch) TV in the evening.

10. You (to understand) your teacher?

Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple

Last week we 1) … drove …. (drive) to London. It 2) (be) a sunny day. When we 3) (get) there, we 4) (park) the car and 5) (go) to the London Tower. Then we ….. 6) (go) shopping in Oxford Street and 7) (spend) a lot of money in the shops. In the afternoon we 8) (see) the Changing of the Guard outside Buckingham Palace. There 9) (be) many people there. Later we 10) (have) a boat trip down the river Thames. We 11) (eat) our dinner on the boat and then we 12) (decide) to go home. We 13) ……..(have) a good time that day.

Exercise 9. Change the statements into negative sentences.

a) Tom and Anna had breakfast. ………………………………………..

b) Mike took the bus

c) Maria and Carlos did the homework

d) Catherine got a prize

e) Peter knew the teacher

f) Sam went to university

g) Paula ate a sandwich

h) Murat and Soraya ran fast

i) Joe made mistakes

j) Carla came early

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. goes

2. watch

3. washes

4. drives

5. lies

6. does not likes

2. will not go(?)

3. does not sleeps

4. visit

5. play

6. wears

7. does emma tidies

8. does your father works

9. i brush

10. does your mother cleans

1. we will be

2. cooks

3. does not

4. will not be, works

5. what you do now? i read the poem

6. gets up

7. live

8. will be, sleeps

9. watches

10. understand

все в предложениях без "to"!!

2. will be

3. got

4. parked

5. went

6. went

7. spent

8. seen

9. were

10. had

11. ate

12. decided

13. had

1. Tom and Anna had not a breakfast.

2. Mike was not took the bus

3. Maria and Carlos did not the homework

4. Catherine was not got a price

5. Peter did not knew teacher

6. Sam did not went to university

7. paula did not ate a sandwhich

8. murat and soraya were not ran fast

9. joe was not made mistakes

10. carla was not came early


та тут в принципе и нечего объяснять, я надеюсь это то, что ты хотел(а)

надеюсь правильно






5) mine





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