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Task 1. do the test 1. use the verb given in brackets in the right tense form. blowing hot and cold with the same breath (согревать и охлаждать одним дыханием) there was once a wild (дикий) man who (to live) on a hill (холм) which (to be) far in the forest. he was a simple man and seldom (to speak) to other people. one day he (to notice) (заметить) a man who (to walk) along a path (тропа) in the forest below the hill. he (to run) down to him and (to say), “ i want to talk to you. you (to come) to my house and (to have) a talk with me? ” the man agreed (согласиться). they (to climb) (взбираться) the hill together. as it (to be) a cold day, the stranger (to breathe) (дышать) on his hands. “what you (to do)? ” (to ask) the wild man. “i (to blow) on my hands.” “why you (to do) it? ” “my hands (to be) cold. it (to make) them warm.” “i understand,” (to say) the wild man. when they (to come) to the house on the hill, the wild man (to give) the stranger a cup of boiling (кипящий) milk. as the milk (to be) very hot, the stranger (to begin) (to blow) on it. “what you (to do) now? ” (to ask) the wild man. “i (to blow) on my milk.” “why you (to do) it? ” “the milk (to be) hot. i (to blow) because it (to make) the milk cold.” “what! ” (to shout) (кричать) the wild man. “but before you (to blow) on your hands to make them hot. (to get out) of my house! i (not to want) men like you in my home. you (not to be) an honest (честный) man if you (to blow) hot and cold with the same breath (дыхание).” 2. choose the right word to fill in the gap. 1. didn’t you see the show . . . sunday? a. at c. in b. on d. for 2. . . . are only seven stations on this metro-line. a. these c. there b. it d. this 3. take your umbrella, it is . . . a. windy c. foggy b. frosty d. raining 4. there aren’t . . . fruits at this time of the year. a. some c. no b. any d. none. 5. a typist (машинистка) is someone who . . . letters and reports. a. types c. is typing b. type d. are typing 6. the conference will finish . . . four o’clock. a. to c. in b. on d. at 7. it . . . to rain soon. a. going c. is going b. is being d. will 8. . . . something strange in this situation. a. there is c. this is b. it is d. that is 9. . . . of the hotels in the city has a swimming pool? a. what c.which b. who d. whose 10. what was . . . moment in your life? a. happy c. happier b. the happy d. the happiest 11. there are four lakes in this region, . . . ? a. is it c. are there b. aren’t there d. aren’t they 12. i’ve got two tv-sets. one is in the living-room, and . . . is in the kitchen. a. another c. others b. other d. the other 13. you make mistakes as you don’t work . . . a. little c. few b. a little d. much 14. let him eat . . . a. little c. small b. few d. a little

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. there was once a wild (дикий) man who (lived) on a hill (холм) which (was) far in the forest. he was a simple man and seldom (spoke) to other people.  one day he noticed (заметить) a man who (was walking) along a path (тропа) in the forest below the hill. he (ran) down to him and said, “ i want to talk to you. can you (come) to my house and (have) a talk with me? ” the man agreed (согласиться). they (climbed) (взбираться) the hill together. as it (was) a cold day, the stranger (was breathing) (дышать) on his hands. “what are you (doing)? ” (asked) the wild man. “i (am blowing) on my hands.”  “why are you (doing) it? ”  “my hands are cold. it (makes) them warm.”  “i understand,” said) the wild man.  when they (came) to the house on the hill, the wild man (gave) the stranger a cup of boiling (кипящий) milk. as the milk (was) very hot, the stranger (began) blowing on it.  “what are you (doing) now? ” asked the wild man.  “i am blowing  on my milk.”  “why are you doing it? ”  “the milk is hot. i (am blowing) because it (makes) the milk cold.”  “what! ” (shouted) (кричать) the wild man. “but before you (was blowing) on your hands to make them hot. (get out) of my house! i (don't wantt) men like you in my home. you (are not) an honest (честный) man if you (blow) hot and cold with the same breath (дыхание).”  2. choose the right word to fill in the gap.  1.        b. on      2.    c. there    3.      d. raining 4.      b. any  5.    a. types    6.    d. at  7.    c. is going    8.  a. there is  9.  c.which    10.  d. the happiest 11.  b. aren’t there    12.a. another  13.  d. much 14.  d. a little

ответ:1)is watching 2)is 3)have 4)went5)had6)already decided 7)going

Объяснение:я думаю так

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