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Упражнения "Условные предложения II типа"

1. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в необходимую форму.
1. If he … (be) my friend, I … (invite) him to the party.
2. If I … (be) taller, I … (become) a basketball player.
3. If an asteroid … (hit) our planet, it … (cause) an ice age.
4. John … (travel) around the world if he … (win) a lottery prize.
5. We … (go) to Spain this winter if we … (have) enough money.
6. She … (not mind) if you … (borrow) her car.
7. If you … (move) to another city, I … (phone) you every day.
8. They … (laugh) at me if I … (sing) this song.
9. If we … (have) free time, we … (start) a new hobby.
10. If I … (know) her secret, I … (not tell) it to anyone.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. запиши существительные во множественном числе: churches fields sheep rivers cows 2. запиши сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных: fat-fatter-the fattest short-shorter-the shortest little-less-the least dirty-dirtier-the dirtiest interesting-  more interesting- the most interesting 3. раскрой скобки: 1. a lion is (stronger) than a bear. 2. an elephant is (bigger) than a cow. 3. leopard is (the fastest) animal in the world. 4. monkeys are (more curious) than dogs. 5. lisa has (more) friends than kate.    1. запиши существительные во множественном числе: camels fish whales foxes hens 2. запиши сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных: windy-windier-the windiest good- better- the best thin- thinner- the thinnest hospitable- more hospitable- the most hospitable clean-  cleaner - the cleanest 3. раскрой скобки: 1. the road is (longer) than the path. 2. this book is (thicker) than that book. 3. winter is (the coldest) season in a year. 4. malvina is (the most beautiful) doll in the story. 5. karabas-barabas is (worse) than father carlo.  

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