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Iii variant insert article where necessary. berablte aprhki fae neo6xoammo. 1. this is going to be fog and_cold weather all next week a) an 2. please, give a cup of coffee with a) a 3. could you close a) the 4. mike is looking for job. a) an 5. this morning i had apple and some toasts for breakfast. a) a b) a c) the d) this e) cream. c)- window, please. b) the d) an e) this b) a d) c) an e) those b) the c) these d) a e) - b) the e) an d)- e) any insert the proper pronouns. berabste hykhoc mectohmehhe 6. today a) itself 7. i know his name but i don't know a) him 8. i love a) his 9. the house lost is very cold outside. c) that b) it d) its e) they b) her very much! c) me d) she e) your c) him b) mine roof in the storm. b) his d) she e) he a) its 10. help a) your change the underlined words by pronouns. 3amehhte noavepknytme cnoba mectohmchrm 11. my friend and i decided to go for a walk after dinner. a) our 12. the weather was cold and we decided to stay at home. a) he 13. don't cross the street under the red light a) it 14. look at my nice kitten. a) him onpenenre thm bompoca. 15. whose books are on the table? c) it to sandwiches, please. b) you d) their e) theirs d) yourselves c) me e) yours b) we c) they d) you e) them b) she d) it c) they e) we b) them c) him d) her e) i d) them b) it c) her e) me d) alternative e) interrogative b) general c) special a) tag 16. will you come to my birthday party? a) general b) special c) alternative d) tag e) interrogative 17. did he read a book or a newspaper? a) general b) alternative c) interrogative d) special e) tag 18. we shall not go to the theatre, shall we? a) alternative b) interrogative c) general d) special e) tag 19. when will you come back? a) special onpenenre bpemehhyio popmy rnarona 20. his mother wakes him up at seven o'clock. a) present indefinite tense c) present continuous tense e) future indefinite tense 21. they came to see us last night. a) present indefinite tense c) present continuous tense e) future indefinite tense 22. jane will be at home next week. a) present indefinite tense c) present gontinyous tense e) future nutauis tense 23. she will not go to school tomorrow. a) present indefinite tense c) present continuous tense e) future indefinite tense 24. they are having tea in the dinner-room now. a) present indefinite tense c) present continuous tense e) future indefinite tense answer the following questions. otbetitc ha bompocbl. 25. when can young people get higher education? a) after finishing college d) never 26. when do the students receive a bachelor's degree? a) in four years of study b) general c) tag d) alternative e) interrogative b) past indefinite tense d) past continuous tense b) past indefinite tense d) past continuous tense b) past indefinite tense d) past continuous tense b) past indefinite tense d) past continuous tense b) past indefinite tense d) past continuous tense c) after kindergarten b) after finishing secondary school e) after finishing institute c) in five years of study b) in three years of study

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Ответы на вопрос:

Smoking … your health. (dangers, endangers)

2.Greenpeace works to … awareness of the dangers that threaten our planet today.(promote, improve)

3.Apes are on the … of extinction (edge, verge)

4.Losing twenty million acres of tropical rain for­ests every year is a …. (disadvantage, disaster)

5.Tigers are … and killed for their body parts which are used in medicine. (hunted, haunted)

6.Oceans are currently a big dumping ground for tons of toxic… and sewage. (waste, packing)

7.There are no more than two hundred and fifty … of sharks in the world.(species, kinds)

8.Storms and heavy rains often cause great … to property. (damage, loss)

9.Some factories and plants … poisonous substances into the atmosphere.(increase, release)

10.People are not doing their best to … an ecological ca­tastrophe. (avoid, prevent)

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