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7.translate into english.1. ми бачили її вчора. вона працювала в саду. 2. коли годинник пробив дванадцять, ми всі сиділи за столом. 3. де ти був о третій годині? я дзвонив тобі, але ніхто не відповів. – я ремонтував велосипед. 4. коли я зайшов до залу, ольга грала на скрипці. 5. що вона робила, коли ви прийшли до неї? – вона прибирала в кімнаті. 6. коли я вийшов з дому, йшов сильний дощ. 7. що робив учитель, поки ви писали твір? 8. що робив ваш син о дев’ятій годині вечора? – читав якусь книжку.в цей час він завжди читає книжки, дивиться телевізійні передачі або слухає радіо. 9. я бачив тебе, коли ти біг вулицею. куди ти поспішав? 10. ми поверталися додому пізно. дощу не було, але дув сильний вітер.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.we saw her yesterday.she was working in the garden. 2 . when the clock struck twelve, we were allsitting by the table. 3 . where you was at three o'clock? i was calling you but nobody answered. - i was fixing the bike. 4.when i came to the hall, olga was playing on the violin. 5.what was she doing , when you came to her? -she was cleaning her room. 6.when i came out, it was raining. 7.what was the teacher doing, while you were writing an essay? 8.what was your son doing at ten o' clock at noon? -he was reading a book.at this time he always reads books,watches tv and listens to the radio. 10.we were going home late . there was no rain, but it was windy.

A1. Alice _______dinner tomorrow.

3.Will cook

A2. Cats __________very well in the dark.


A3. Peter _______at the ice rink tomorrow.  

2.Will skate

A4. The boy ______his homework four days ago.

1.Didn`t do

A5. Next year Kate ___________to London to visit her friends.

2.Will go

A6. Peter never _______football.

4. Plays

A7. Paul is good at football. But he ______ play very often.


A8. My sister ________lunch yesterday at six o`clock.


A9. I _______my granny next year.

2.Will visit

A10. For breakfast Sasha __________two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.


A11. Many birds __________south every summer.


A12. We _________an essay tomorrow.

3.Will write

A13. Our friends always __________to the country for the weekend.


A14. Last year they ____________at the school sports ground.

4. Have skied

A15. Yesterday John _______at eight o`clock.

3.Got up

A16. Mark __________to rock music five minutes ago.


A17. The puppy __________with its tail a minute ago.


A18. I always __________Christmas cards to my grandparents.


A19. Our granny ___________meat-pies every weekend.


A20. Last week I _____________at the school sports ground.

4. Jumped

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