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8. переделайте предложения из прямой речи в косвенную, начиная предложения с ‘i’d like to know’:

1. is it still raining now?

2. what are you reading so attentively?

3. what is that boy looking at?

4. who is sitting at the window?

5. is the gas-stove still burning?

6. why are the children not sleeping yet?

7. what is happening in this house?

8. are you looking for me?

9. who are you waiting for?

10. is anything interesting happening there now?

11. what is going on there?

12. where is this loud music coming from?

13. are your children learning another language now?

14. how is he feeling these days?

15. what country are you returning from?

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Ответы на вопрос:

We  have to  go to school every day, but we don`t have to  go to school on sunday. 2. my brother and l  don`t have to  make breakfast. our mum makes it. 3. mum  doesn`t have to  go shopping. fad goes shopping twice a week.  6. we  have to  7. i  have to  get up early on wednesday, but i  don`t have   8. i  have to

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