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Добрый вечер ,может кто нибудь с заданием по английскому. Possessive case + possessive adjectives.

Exercise 2.

Поставьте существительное в форму притяжательного падежа. Рядом напиши подходящее притяжательное местоимения

1. The (men) cloth.

2. My (sister) husband.

3. His (mother-in-law) garden.

4. (Mary) house.

5. the (police officers) report.

Exercise 3. Найди ошибки и перепиши правильно.

1. Her nanny's name is Sarah.

2. The players's shirts.

3. My children's toys.

4. Martin and Anna' house.

5. Director' cut.

Exercise 4. Перепиши предложения, используя притяжательный падеж существительных.
1. I’m a great lover of the music of Mozart and Chopin.

2. The house of my Aunt Mary was surrounded by a beautiful old garden.

3. The bedroom of Paul and Helen was spacious and comfortably furnished.

4. The favorite opera of my father was the Marriage of Figaro by Mozart.

5. I’ll always remember the apple-pies of my mother-in-law.

6. The essays of Kate and Ann were the best in the class.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

ответ:Just imagine. You are walking on a mountain path in the Himalayas. You feel tired. You think about how far you need to go. Then, suddenly, you are there! And the incredible Mount Everest is on the horizon. This looks impressive. In a few minutes you will arrive at the camp. Food cooked over a fire smells great, and while you drink tea, you relax and watch the sun set. For dinner, the food tastes fantastic. You talk to other people in the group about everything you saw during your day trip. If you are looking for an experience like this, adventure 2012 is the organization for you.

Many trekking holidays sound exciting, but the reality is often very different. Tracks can be inconvenient and even dangerous. However, in Adventure 2012, we feel that we understand the needs of trekkers. All our guides have many years of experience in leading hikes in the Himalayas. They know all the best routes and the best places to camp. We also understand that trekking can be hard work and believe that trackers need all our help. In addition to the group guide, all expeditions have cooks and porters. During the trip, our chefs prepare delicious dishes. And our porters carry your Luggage, which means you can just enjoy the experience.

At Adventure 2012, we also believe that good travel events are important. We can arrange all flights for you: from London to new Delhi non-stop, from new Delhi to Kathmandu and domestic flights to Nepal.

Accommodation is provided in comfortable hotels in new Delhi and Kathmandu, hostels on the track and single or double tents for camping.

There are also special offers for people who don't want to go straight home after that. If you love History, there is a trip to North India. For people who prefer to spend some time on the coast, we can arrange your travel and accommodation.

This is a class a hike – you have to be in shape. There are walks of 6-8 hours on most days, with a maximum height of 5.545 meters. Tracks of class B and C are lighter, so you don't need to be so suitable.

The trip costs $ 2,500, including all flights and accommodation. The maximum capacity of a group is 15 people. Hikes take place between October and may.

4. Read the text again and answer these questions in your own words.

a) why do you think people will want to go on this trip?

(b) Why does the organization use experience guides?

C) Why do cooks and porters accompany expeditions?

d) why does the company offer additional tours?


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