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Circle the correct answer.
1 that/those pens are mine.
2 this/these bike is my brother's.
3 these/this tomatoes are big.
4 that/those girls are in my class.
5 these/this are jack's cds.​

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Ответы на вопрос:


1 those





1. those pens are mine.

множественное число, потому что are.

2 this bike is my brother's.

единственное число, потому что is.

3 these tomatoes are big.

множественное число, т.к. томатов несколько.

4 those girls are in my class.

множественное число, потому что девушек несколько.

5 these are jack's cds.

множественное, т.к. are.

1.Did they ski in the mountains last year? Yes,they did
2.Did she travel abroad last month? No,she didn’t.She traveled abroad last year.
3.Did you use a computer when you were five? No,Ididn’t. I used a computer when I was eight.
4.Did he cycle to school last Tuesday? Yes,he did.

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