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с Английским,тема Wishes
1.- I lent John my tennis racket and he broke it
I wish ...I hadn’t lent it to him
2.- He is always breaking my things
I wish ...
3.- Tom can’t speak French
He wishes ...
4.- I don’t like the town where I live
I wish ...
5.- Her husband never eats what she cooks
She wishes ...
6.- I got sunburnt because I didn’t use sun cream
I wish ...
7.- Mary’s wedding was a disaster because it rained torrentially
She wished ...
8.- The plane was delayed because there was a
strike at the airport
I wished ...
9.- All my friends are on the beach
I wish ...
10.- He is telling stupid jokes all the time
Everybody wishes ...
11.- Susan has very little free time
She wishes ...
12.- Everybody saw him fall down in the middle of the street
He wished ...
13.- She never locked her car and it was robbed
She wishes ...
14.- TV programmes are always the same
People wish ...
15.- I forgot to water the plants and they died
I wish ...

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1. any


3.a lot of



Популярно: Английский язык