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the chemistry involves a systematic study of the substances of the universe, of their 1 and their reactions with each other to form new with different properties and of conditions governing those reactions.
chemistry is also concerned with the 2 of data it has acquired and with a series of precise generalizations called laws. chemistry is not concerned only with the 3 of laws. its aim is to find the simplest 4 7 of these laws. it is to invent a 5 1 which makes clear the relationship between one law and another.
a number of theories 6 in chemistry. they are - the atomic theory, the kinetic theory, the ionic theory and the theory of 7 4
there is an important feature of 8 theories they should provide an explanation of 9 already known they should also lead to a further advance in our 10 .
1. theory
2. knowledge
3. discovery
4. valency
5. are encountered
6. properties
7. classification
8. facts
9. explanation
10. scientific

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GDP fygjd iii t gj n. ks rec gm.vДа йунлжпю


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