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Как перевести на вопрос. ) твоя собака большая? 2)твои собаки большие?

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1) is your dog big? 2) are your dogs big?

Your dog is big? your dog's big? удачи 

1. sally's coming was a secret and nobody wanted me c. to let the cat out of the bag. 2. some people insist on a celebrity's life to be none of their buisness, but others believe f. a cat can look at the king  3. jim saw a burrow, put his hand into it and cried ''ouch! '' as it had been bitten . l. curiosity killed the cat  4. the friends were coming back too late wearing dirty clothes. but they didn't care what people might think of them. they knew that.a. all cats are grey at night 5. the kitchen, unlike the house, is tidy . i. there isn''t room to swing a cat 6. meg has hinted to ann several times wanting her to pay back the money, but ann has always ignored it. no wonder, e. smiling like cheshire cat 7. some experienced employees can criticize their boss, saying that company b. goes to the dog 8. pete: don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. jack: i fully agree with you.   d. let sleeping dogs 9. we don't find his long story interesting. h. it's a shaggy dog story 10. i have failed to do my homework on time again. k. it's a dog's life .

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