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0. he can answer when he and be silent when he isn"t. 1. is asked 3. is asking 2. is being asked 4. is been asked 1. someone my car on the door! 1. was scratched 3. has scratched 2. has been scratched 4. is scratched 2. he to invest his money in property. 1. was decided 3. decide 2. decided 4. is being deciding 3. the poor invalid never after properly. 1. have been looked 3. has been looked 2. be looked 4. was looked 4. there is a mystery about my birth. one day, i know, the secret to me. 1. will tell 3. will be tell 2. will be told 4. will been told 5. at present he for heart problems. 1. is being treated 3. has treated 2. is treating 4. is treat 6. the government says tax reforms by april in 2020. 1. are introducing 3. will have been introduced 2. will introduce 4. will be introduced 7. a famous football player to advertise their product. 1. has been chosen 3. have been chosen 2. has choosed 4. has been choosed 8. the the document very carefully. 1. was studied 3. been studied 2. studied 4. was study 9. much discussion now about quality of education and its influence on life quality. 1. is held 3. is being held 2. was being held 4. was held 10. someone their magazine on the bench yesterday. 1. were left 3. left 2. leaved 4. had left 11. the vikings had visited america before it by columbus. 1. has been discovered 3. discovered 2. is discovered 4. was discovered 12. unfortunately our flight 1. has just been delayed 3. is just been delayed 2. has just delayed 4. is just being delayed 13. at this very moment the suspect by the police. 1. interviews 3. as interviewed 2. is being interviewed 4. was been interviewed 14. what were you doing when the lecture …? 1. starts 3. start 2. was starting 4. started 15. danny won"t phone us until he … more details about the event. 1. had 3. is having 2. will have 4. has 16. the lights went off and the orchestra playing. 1. had started 3. had been started 2. started 4. was starting 17. since then i … my job several times. 1. have changed 3. has changed 2. change 4. had changed 18. by the time she comes home we … the translation. 1. will finish 3. finish 2. will have finished 4. have finished 19. our train … at 8 p.m. if you come at 5 o’clock, we … our thing. 1. leave, will pack 3. leaves, will be packing 2. will leave, will pack 4. will be leaving, pack 20. it still … . it the whole night. 1. is raining, has been raining 3. is raining, had been raining 2. rains, has been raining 4. rained, have been raining

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. boiling hot

2. raining

3. foggy

4. snowing

5. sunny


7. warm

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