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Georgia and her friend Anna are at a clothes shop.
Listen to them and answer the questions.
1 Why are they there?
2 Who decides to buy something?
3 What does she buy?
4 How much is it?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 de|mon|strate  (3 syllables)  dem-on-strate

2 de|li|ver  (3 syllables) de-liv-er

3 tem|pora|ry  (4 syllables) tem-po-rar-y

4 un|em|ployed  (3 syllables) un-em-ployed

5 qua|li|fi|ca|tion (5 syllables)  qual-i-fi-ca-tion


Популярно: Английский язык