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Choose the correct answer. write only the letter.1. it was … hot. even in the shade it was over thirty above zero.a) boiling b) warming c) heating2. some people think that … aerobics three times a week is the best way to keep fit.a) playing b) making c) doing3. we packed both light and warm clothes because the weather can be really ….a) impredictable b) no-predictable c) unpredictable4. i … under the table to plug the lamp in.a) walked b) moved c) crawled5. it was … cold and the warm sleeping bag was what i needed.a) frozen b) freezing c) froze​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. a

2. c

3. c

4. c

5. b

1i wish i had listened to hi advice .

2iwish you had come earlier.

3i wish we had waited till he came.

4 i wish you had told her about it last sunday1

5 we wished we had asked his advice.

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