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Задание 1. Заполните пропуски соответствующими формами глагола to be (AM/ IS/ ARE) Например: She doing her homework. — She is doing her homework.
1. I playing with my cat now.
2. You ___ drinking tea when your mum reading a newspaper.
3. He fishing.
4. She wearing a T-shirt and shorts.
5. The puppy playing with its tail.
6. We cooking pancakes at the moment.
7. You painting your fence these days.
8. They listening to music in their bedroom.
9. The animals eating at 5 o’clock in the zoo.
10. Children sleeping now.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. I'm playing with my cat now.

2. You is drinking tea when your mum is reading a newspaper.

3. He is fishing.

4. She is wearing a T-shirt and shorts.

5. The puppy is playing with its tail.

6. We are cooking pancakes at the moment.

7. You is painting your fence these days.

8. They are listening to music in their bedroom.

9. The animals are eating at 5 o’clock in the zoo.

10. Children are sleeping now.

Да я же пошутил, учись лучше

10. They are looking . They 11. are looking

Объяснение:Я ответил на ту задачу которую ты сфоткал, если это не она то прости, сфоткай снова.

Популярно: Английский язык