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Преобразуйте предложения в непрямую речь: the secretary said, “the boss has just come”.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) n=m/m     n-количество вещества m-масса вещества   m-молярная масса вещества из таблицы менделеева.

n=147/56=2.625 моль

2) n=147/98=1,5 моль.


the secretary told me that the boss had just came

1. her mount was a grey mare. 2. he ran up next to me and started shouting. 3. i have the low-down on the scandal. 4. here, in a nutshell, is the story. 5. he gave me a couple of extra things to do just to keep me on my toes. 6. cuts in company spending now should lead to profits in the long term 7.  my idea was dismissed out of hand. 8. every kind of helper, from eye doctors to massage therapists, volunteered time to lighten the rescue workers' load. 9. i don't want to spend the whole weekend working but i guess i'll just have to grin and bear it. 10. the small craft was overwhelmed by the enormous waves. 11. i like to keep things in perspective. 12.  she pulls out her own hair and eats it

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