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Поставьте предлоги где наобходимо 1)i don't think jane is aware__all the facts 2) mr morgan's contribution__ the company's success was really remarkable 3) my flight was delayed so it was a good opportunity__doing some shopping 4)we took the opportunity__visiting the houses of parliament during our trip to london 5)nowadays we see a rapid change__the world__computer technology 6)the new project is beneficial__many children 7) i.levitan was contemproary__ a.chekhov. 8) the students benefited__the new library 9)if he doesn't work harded,he will never achieve__anything

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1) and; 2)  in; 3)  the; 4)  is; 5) не 6)  in; 7)  is in; 8)  and; 9)  is;

1) and 2)in 3)the 4)is 5)and, in 6)in 7)is in 8)and 9)is

Завтрак: на завтрак я люблю кушать бутерброды с чаем. также можно было бы кашу, но я не ее люблю.обед: я много чего люблю покушать, но больше всего я люблю макароны. на обед вчера я ела суп с грибами, вкусно.ужин: на ужин я много чего могу скушать, к примеру марковь, помидор, но чаще всего я ем яблоко, оно полезное и вкусное. так же вечером я могу выпить чаю с печеньем.      breakfast: breakfast i like to eat sandwiches and tea. one could also mess, but i do not really love her.lunch: i love to eat a lot of things, but most of all i love pasta. at lunch yesterday i ate soup with mushrooms, very tasty. dinner: for dinner i can eat a lot of things, for example carrots, tomatoes, but more often i eat an apple, it is useful and very tasty. the same evening i can have tea and biscuits.        могу больше  , но за 5   не        

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