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Образуйте форму инфинитива. ging,lass,stieg,rief an,aß,achlug,sprah,half,stieg ein.hielt.unternachm.gab.stand.schrieb.

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Ответы на вопрос:

ging - gehen

las - lesen

stieg - steigen

rief an - anrufen

aß - essen

achlug - ?

sprach - sprechen

half - helfen

stieg ein - einsteigen

hielt - halten

unternahm - unternehmen

gab - geben

stand - stehen

schrieb - schreiben

1. there’s some milk in that jug. 2. i’m afraid there isn’t any  coffee left: will you  grind some? 3. is there anyone here who speaks italian? 4. i’d like to buy some new clothes but i haven’t got any money. 5. there’s some juice in the cupboard but there aren’t  any  glasses. 6. do you have any  idea who could have borrowed  your bicycle? 7. have you got any news for me? 8. i can’t see my glasses anywhere. 9. you look very distressed/ sick: has anything  upset you? 10. almost everyone was wearing a dinner jacket. 11. she put her handbag somewhere and now she can’t find it. 12. will you have some  pudding or some fruit? 13. haven’t you got any friends here? you should join  a club and get to know people. 14. i see you haven’t got any maps. would you like to  borrow some of mine? 15. anyone can tell you how to get there. (every one  knows the way.) 16. come and have supper with us if you aren’t doing  anything tonight. 17. he lives somewhere in france now. 18. you can’t expect just some student to solve the  problem. it requires a mathematician. 19. is there anything  moving about downstairs? i’ve heard  something falling. 20. is anyone living in that house? it looks deserted. 21. would you like something to drink? there’s very good  soda in the fridge.

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