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Составьте предложения, используя выделенные слова (отмечены *) : the crown hotel is more luxurious than the star hotel. less* the star hotel the crown hotel. emily is friendlier than annette. as* annette emily. kim has got the same number of friends as sue. as* sue has got kim. mary is the
smartest student of all. as* no other student mary. this painting costs less than all others in the art gallery. least* this painting of all in the art gallery. a mercedes is more expensive than a ford. than* a ford a mercedes.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 the star hotel is less expensive than the crown hotel.

2 annette isn't as friendly as emily.

3 sue has got the same number of friends as kim.

4 no other student is as smart as mary.

5 this painting is the least expensive of all in the art gallery.

6 a ford is less
expensive than a mercedes.

Iget up at 6: 20 in the morning. i wash, have breakfast and collect things for school. i'm going to school at 7: 00. i study, walk, do my homework and go home. then i go to english and to practice aerial acrobatics. when i get back from training, i'm having dinner. after dinner, i go for a walk with a dog. then i clean my room. i do my homework, and later i wash and go to bed. i go to bed and start reading a book about the mummies-trolls. well, after that i go to bed. that `s how i spend my day.

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