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Прошу уже 2 много ! нужен реферат на языке про национальную еду казахстана , не слишком замудреный и тд , а обычный , простой )

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Firstly, guests were served mare, shubat or ayran, and then - tea with milk or cream, baursaks, raisins, irimshik, kurt. this was followed by a snack of horse meat or lamb - kazi, shuzhuk, stings, zhaya sur-em, card kabyrga. on any table were necessarily made of wheat flour tortillas. the main national dish of kazakhs is beshbarmak (five fingers). beshbarmak made from lamb, beef or horse meat. flavorful meat eaten with thin rolled out and boiled dough pieces. the perfect complement to the dish is rich flavored broth - sorpa, usually served in bowls. at the end of the meal is served mare, which was again followed by tea.   national drinks mare, shubat, kymyran. healing drink mare (mare's milk) has healing properties and energizing effect and is used to cure diseases of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract.   kazakh cuisine. koumiss shubat - is among the most valuable dairy drink after koumiss made from camel milk. technology of preparation shubat less complex than kumys. as mare, shubat fermented and stored in a special dish made of leather, wood or ceramics. shubat not whipped, and brought up to standard by stirring. shubat delicious, greasy and thick drink. the caloric content and healing properties, it is not inferior to koumiss. two or three shubat considered as the best and quality.   adding camel milk cow or sheep, get katyk, while adding suzbe (thick sour curd) or kurta receive ezhigey (gentle kurt).   wide and vast kazakh land. in various places in kazakhstan shubat called differently. in central and western kazakhstan - shubat in south - kymyran, east - tuye kymyz (camel mare). however, the methods of manufacturing the same everywhere.   also kymaran or hymyraan - this drink is usually made from a mixture of boiled water with the addition of milk (sour or fresh). soft drink and mongolian called hyar in elder times kazakh cooking different kind of technology. the peculiarity of the way of life of the kazakh people left a mark on cooking methods. in traditional kazakh food preference was always given cooking. this process allows to obtain soft and delicate flavors of meat gives it juiciness and flavor.   kazakh cuisine. baursaks great place was given to harvesting and storage of products. during the slaughtering of the meat harvested for future use for which it was salted, vyalili, sometimes smoked, cooked gourmet products are mainly made from horse meat - kazi, shuzhuk, stings, zhaya, map and others.   bread often baked in the form of cakes, baked products of the most popular used and enjoyed baursaks.   ancient   dish trash were made of leather, wood, ceramics, every family had a cast-iron cauldron where food is prepared. tea boiled in cast iron jugs, and later - in the samovar.

My school is large and light. there are three floors in it. there is a gym, a library, a canteen and a few classrooms on the ground floor. there are many classrooms and a teachers’ room от the first and on the second floors. our classrooms are very large and light. my school life is wonderful. there are lots of concerts, performances and sport competitions in our school. my classmates and i often take part in different school events. i have a lot of friends in my class.   our teachers are kind and intelligent and my classmates are smart and friendly. i think that my school is the best one. i love it very much. but everybody has a dream. the dream about our new school - the school of the future. now i would like to tell you a few words about my ideal school. first of all if i were a headteacher of my school i would allowed everybody to have an opportunity to use one's phone. the second thing is our homework. so much of it! don't the teachers know that it is waste of time, our time and theirs. the next. our holidays. i would like to travel a lot. but when? our holidays must be a bit longer i think. and at last the equipment of our classrooms! what do we see? there are few computers which we can use. my dream is every classroom has ten and more new computers with internet. it's school of my dream. what else? as for me i am totally against school uniform. i want to look nice and modern, i don't want to merge with a total mass of similar teenagers. there is nothing special if teenagers dress up nice and trendy. stupidity and meanness you can create even dressed in a perfect school uniform. and you can be honest and decent in a beautiful and favorite clothes. this is my opinion. моя школа просторная и светлая. в ней три этажа. есть тренажерный зал, библиотека, столовая и несколько кабинетов на первом этаже. на первом и на втором этажах классы и учительская. наши классные комнаты большие и светлые. моя школьная жизнь прекрасна. у нас в школе проводится много концертов, спектаклей, спортивных соревнований. мои одноклассники и я часто принимаем участие в различных школьных мероприятиях. у меня много друзей в моем классе. наши учителя добрые и умные, и мои одноклассники тоже умные и доброжелательные. я думаю, что моя школа самая лучшая. я ее люблю. но у каждого есть мечта. мечта о школе будущего. теперь я хотел бы сказать вам несколько слов о моей идеальной школе. во-первых, если бы я была директором моей школы, я позволила бы, чтобы каждый имел возможность пользоваться своим телефоном. вторая вещь - это наше . его так много! неужели учителя не знают, что это пустая трата времени, нашего времени и их. дальше. наши каникулы. я хочу много путешествовать. но когда? наши каникулы должны быть несколько больше, я думаю. и, наконец, оборудование классах! что же мы видим? есть только несколько компьютеров, которые мы можем использовать. моя мечта - каждый класс имеет десять и более новые компьютеров с доступом в интернет. это школа моей мечты. и еще, что касается меня я категорически против школьной формы. мне хочется выглядеть красиво и современно, о не сливаться с общей массой одинаковых тинейжеров. нет ничего особенного в том, если подростки одеваются красиво и модно. глупости и подлости можно творить и в идеальной школьной форме. можно быть честным и порядочным в красивой и любимой одежде. это мое мнение.

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