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Мне нужно по сделать краткую табличку медведя: face: body: coolour: home: food: за ранние !

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.а) 1.he  hated big cities. 2.we will write with it. 3.mygrandparents grow  their vegetables.4.who went with her? 1.б) 1.these 2.any 3.anything 4.what 5.what 6.which 2.а) 1.there was  one telephone in our office yesterday.     one telephone will be in our office tomorrow.  2.there were many students at the lecture last week.     many students will be at the lecture next year. 2.б) 1.there are not  some cars and buses on the road.        are there  some cars and buses on the road?         what are there on the road? 2.there were not three theatres in our town.        were there  three theatres in our town?       what were in our town? 3.there will not  be a lot of new english books in our library..     will there  be a lot of new english books in our library?     what will be in our library?  

Популярно: Английский язык