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Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в страдательном залоге (present, past, future simple). 1. yesterday they (to show) a very interesting film at the party. 2. these questions (not to discuss) at tomorrow's meeting. 3. the mail must (to look) through every morning. 4. letters usually (to type) by a secretary. 5. this problem (to speak) much about last month. 6. all this (to forget) soon. 7. he (to tell) that he would be served in no time. 8. the documents not (to sign) by the parties yesterday. 9. applicants usually (to ask) to fill in the blanks. 10. the institute (to found) 10 years ago.

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

  were shown

  won't be discussed 

  be looked 

  are  usually  typed 

  was spoken 

  will be forgotten 

  was told 

  weren't signed 

  are  usually  asked 

was found 

1. yesterday they were showed a very interesting film at the party.

2. these questions won't be discussed at tomorrow's meeting.

3. the mail must be looked through every morning.

4. letters are usually typed by a secretary.

5. this problem was spoken much about last month.

6. all this will be forgotten soon.

7. he was told that he would be served in no time.

8. the documents weren't signed by the parties yesterday.

9. applicants are usually asked to fill in the blanks.

10. the institute was found 10 years ago.


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