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Завтра контрольная! 1.choose the correct answer. sally was travelling while i … in japan. a stayed b has stayed c was staying what did you do yesterday? i phoned you at two. – i … at two. a was walking b walked c has walked was pete reading when we were drawing that picture? – yes, … a he was b he were c we were the tv … for three hours when it suddenly broke. a worked b has been working c had been working sue … all the house work by four. a did b had done c had been doing pauline … to the park when a child. a went b had gone c used to go i was so happy as i … all the necessary stuff. a had prepared b prepared c had been preparing how long … you … here? – about a year. a had been living b was living c lived the child … to going to bed at nine. a used b was used c uses we … dinner from three to four yesterday. a had b were having c had been having we … a tennis competition in our club this week-end. a are having b shall have c have i … you with your home duties today. a am helping b am going to help c ‘ll help my dad … kayaking at least he says so. a is going to try b will try c is trying the evening races … at five as usual. a start b will start c is going to start i think she … fine after all. a will be b is c is going to be if only garry … not ill that day, we could have won! a were b had been c was when you … very close to the slope, be even more attentive! a are b were c had been when the summer …, the sun will be more active. a comes b is coming c came if i were you, i … so much at river bugging. a wouldn’t have risked b won’t risk c wouldn’t risk unless i … protective clothing, i would have hurt myself. a wear b wore c had worn

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) b

2) b

3) a

4) b

5) b

6) c

7) a

8) a

9) a

10) a

11) c

12) b

13) b

14) a

15) a

16) b

17) a

18) b

19) a

20) b

She began reading her new book.

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