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                                                  s wing one boy had a long nose. and his name was egor. that's like something happened egor in the yard, on the swing sat. and began to swing up and down, up and down. and back and forth. two hours and rode him a little. other children in the courtyard began to ask: — egor! let us go! but egor didn't say anything, and only even more began to swing up and down, up and down. and back and forth. only long nose flashes. then the other kids joined hands and started singing the teaser, which they themselves wrote: "egor — long nose, the swing has grown! " egor was offended, but not with the swing set of tears. and the children, too, was offended and went to eat pancakes with sour cream. egor still messed around and decided it was time to go home and get something to eat, but to stop failed — swing didn't want to let him go! so he was flailing, and screaming — nothing helps. the swing began to sway even more and squeaked so that other children in the soured cream pancakes. then the yard came a little fairy and shouted: — egor! let go! 'i'd give you, — said yegor — yes, the swing can get behind! — why? what happened? yeah i rocked-rocked, and the other children began to pick on me a long nose and that i to swings increased. help me-e-e! — you are bewitched! — cried the little fairy. so rescoldo me! it is not so easy, need to invent a spell that will stop the swing, ' replied little fairy and sat down to think on the edge of the sandbox. and egor were all rocking and screaming. at this time, walked past the policeman, who immediately realized that something is wrong. the policeman grabbed the swing to save egor, but only clung to him and they began to sway together. — think up, — quietly said the little fairy, now let's try. and quickly muttered: "swing-swing, yegor sorry and home release". something jingled, and the swings stopped. so quickly that the policeman by surprise, fell on the bed, and egor — with him. then yegor jumped up and ran home to eat pancakes with soured cream. and the policeman smiled and went to his office to write a report about the rescue of the boy. and a little fairy sat on the swing and began to swing up and down, up and down. and back and forth. and when the next morning egor went into the yard, she immediately gave him a place. almost immediately.

1.вернувшись домой, он позвонил мне.(генерал) 2.целый день дул сильный ветер.(special_the целый день) 3.мы пошли на прогулку, чтобы увидеть достопримечательности.(special_to увидеть достопримечательности.) 4.наша страна производит много нефти.(дизъюнктивный.) 5.мальчик увидел в небе самолет .(плоскость alternative_a) 6.они обсудят различные проблемы преподавания языков.(генерал) 7.они отобрали книги, которые я просил.(special_the книги, которые я просил.) 8.ему пришлось ждать ее целый час.(special_ час) 9.вечером джоан принимает ванну.(дизъюнктивный) 10.они встретят его на концерте.(на концерте _alternative) 11.они собираются покинуть школу в этом году.(генерал) 12.она должна делать свою работу по дому каждое утро.(ее housework_ специальные) 13.он видел несколько игр volley_ball на прошлой неделе.(special_a несколько) 14.он любил читать книгу перед сном.(дизъюнктивный) 15.мы должны ждать его здесь.(alternative_here) 16.вчера ей пришлось сидеть допоздна.(генерал. 17.сегодня вы узнали важные вещи.(special_very важные вещи.) 18.мы доберемся до аэропорта за несколько минут.(special_the аэропорт) 19.вы не свободны сейчас.(дизъюнктивный) 20.эта книга много читается.(alternative_much) только так,есть слова которые перевести я не смогла

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