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Надо 1. open the brackets using the right form of the verb.translate the sentences into russian 1) he already (drink) four cups of coffee today. 2) she (ring) you up next week. 3) our friends (not/get) your letter yet. 4) helen is in her car, she (drive) to work. 5) the sun (rise) in the east. 6) henry was very hungry, so he (eat) his soup quickly. 7) there (be) a little white cloud in the sky. 8) there (be) nice curtains on the windows. this novel (be/write) by the famous writer two centuries ago. 2. translate these sentences from russian into english, make them interrogative and negative. 1) джон отправил два письма своим друзьям неделю назад 2) они пойдут в кино в следующее воскресенье. 3) моя бабушка любит работать в саду. 4) его жена уже пригласила их друзей. 5) мы пишем трудный тест сейчас. 6) мы никогда не видели эту выставку раньше. 7) статью опубликуют в этой газете на следующей неделе. 8) музей открывают в 10 часов утра.

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Ответы на вопрос:

He already drinks four of coffee today. she will  ring   you up next week. our friends were not get your latter yet. elen is in   her car.she drives to work. the   sun rise in the east. he ate/ was. are was writing

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