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4. choose the right word. 1. because/in spite of being extremely busy she agreed to help us. 2. the police informed that two dangerous criminals had managed to escape/settle from prison. 3. yesterday i received/accepted an invitation to their wedding, but i am too busy to receive/accept it. 4. i wondered why people disliked him at fi rst sight/view. 5. it was quite evident/equal that he would be admitted/accepted to university.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.because 2.escape 3.received 4.sight 5.evident, accepted

1. many students (have been enrolled) into our university this year. 2. the guest (will have left) the hotel by 12 o’clock tomorrow. 3. all tickets for the flight nr. 345 moscow-rome (had been sold) before the tourist reached the booking office. 4. the tour operator (has reserved) the travel tour today. 5. the e-mails (have been sent) today. 1. много студенты (было зачислено) в наш университете в этом году. 2. гость (покинет) в отель к 12 часам завтрашнего дня. 3. все билеты на рейс nr. 345 москва-рим (были проданы), прежде чем турист добрался до стола заказов. 4. туроператор (зарезервировал) тур сегодня. 5. электронные письма (отправлены) сегодня.

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