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Complete the answers to the question were was able to . 1 a did you finish your work this afternoon.b yes there was nobody to disturb me so i 2a did you have difficulty finding our house. b not really . your directions were good and we 3 a did the thief get away . b yes . no one realised what was happening and the thief.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)was able to 2)were able to 3)was able to

Most teachers believe that all subjects at school are equal useful.  nowadays pupils study more than ten subjects in school. every teacher thinks that his lessons are very important. but in fact all subject will be necessary in our life . in this essay i am going to express my opinion and criticize my opponents.  i personally think, that not all subject are useful. i think so because, firstly ,if pupils have not propensity for engineering sciences, then studying for example physics will be a waste of time for him. secondly, if you try to get on well in all subjects you will have to do a lot of homework for this reason you will have less time for sport’s activities and relaxation.  but there are some people who think differently. they think that every subject develops useful skills and abilities. in modern world it is   very important be a   comprehensively developed person. actually, they are sure that, if a child learns only humanitarian science it will be difficult for him, if he decides to get medical education.  however i can not support their point of view, because pupils who havespecial emphasis   on the discipline which   they like, they   achieve more success.  in conclusion i would like to crown that i has just written. it is very difficult to get on well in all subjects in the last year of study, because you should prepare for exams and focus your attention on a definite discipline, which is   needed   for admission to university

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