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Ii reading (чтение)- 6 1. read the text. are the sentences true or false? the boehmer family jugglers. larry and judy have got 11 children, and they're all part of the family jugglers. their circus show is fantastic - it's got juggling, unicycles and gymnastics. it's at theme parks and festivals around the usa. the boehmers have got four sons and seven daughters. their names are ada, casey, holly, sarah, keri, jonathan, melissa, austin, rebecca, elizabeth and margaret. casey boehmer is a fantastic juggler. he's got a dog medal from the international juggling association. it's amazing because casey has only got one arm, but he can juggle five balls with one hand. the boehmers have also got a dog called bosco. sometimes, bosco is their assistant at the circus show! 1 the boehmers have got 15 children. 2. the boehmers’ circus show has got juggling and 3. larry and judy have got seven 4. casey hasn’t got two 5. casey has got a gold medal for 6. the boehmers have got a cat called grammar (грамматика)- 10 1. choose the right variant. 1. he…a big car. a) has b) have c) her d) his 2. my brother didn’ yesterday. a) studied b) study c) studies d) studying 3. there… tomatoes in the fridge a) is b) any c) no d) are 4. they ….. great dancers in 1967 a) were b) was c) are d) am 5. she doesn’t like…television. a) watch b) watching c) watches d) looking 6. please give…your pen. a) he b) his c) him d) himself 7. my mother…five days a week. a) work b) is working c) works d) worked 8. we…in a flat when we were in paris. a) lived b) live c) lives d) are living 9. you … use your phone in class. a) must b) mustn’t 10. … hundreds of market towns and villages in the uk. a) there are b) are c) there is vocabulary (лексика)-6 1. choose the right variant. 1. my parents … to classical music. a) listen b) watch c) play 2. beethoven and bach were german … . they wrote and played classical music. a) painter b) explorer c) composers 3. in the evening olga plays … or read … . a) lunch, music b) chess, magazines c) tv, books 4. a school subject in which you study the events of the past. a) geography b) literature c) history 5. a large african animal with a very long neck and long legs. a) crocodile b) rabbit c) giraffe 6. crocodiles are … animals. a) dangerous b) good c) quick 7. you make pancakes with flour, … and … . a) butter, ice-cream b) toast, eggs c) eggs, milk 8. in … you kick a ball a) football b) tennis c) basketball 9. translate this word «перчатки». a) glasses b) trainers c) gloves 10. baykal is a famous …. in russian a) river b) lake c) sea 11. halloween is in … . a) autumn b) winter c) summer 12. translate this word «туманный». a) rainy b) cloudy c) foggy

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.чтение 1. f  2. t  3. f  4. t    5. t    6.f 2. грамматика 1a    2b    3d  4a    5b  6c  7c  8a    9b    10a 3. лексика 1a  2c  3b  4c    5c    6a    7c    8a    9c    10b    11a    12b   

1. шел дождь, когда мы вышли из дома, но когда мы добрались до школы он уже прекратился. it was raining when we left home/the house, but when we reached the school it had stopped raining.

2. когда я пришел в университет узнал, что профессор заболел и его отправили в больницу. when i came to the university i learnt that the professor was ill and he had been sent to hospital.

3. когда письмо будет отправлено? как только я исправлю последнюю ошибку. сегодня я сделала гораздо больше ошибок, чем вчера. when will the letter be sent? as soon as i correct the last mistake. i have made a lot more mistakes today than yesterday.

4. ему часто приходилось ездить на автобусе не так ли? это занимало у него слишком много времени. he often had to go by bus, didn't he? it took him too much time.

5. меня спросили написал ли я уже доклад. надеюсь, напечатаю его к понедельнику. i was asked if i had already typed/written the report. i hope i'll have typed/written it by monday.


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