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yellow color gives a feeling of joy, fun, charges with optimism. people living in warm climates, in countries where there is a lot of sun, smile more often.

the yellow press got its name from the comic book yellow child, published in 1894-1998. in the american newspapers new-york world and the new-york journal american. these publications were famous for their scandalous chronicles and low-grade articles. so, gossip, rumors, scandals became his "yellow provocateurs" for the formation of public opinion.

it is not for nothing that the walls of houses for mental hospitals are painted yellow (hence the name “yellow house”), this color brings relief in some forms of mental illness.

soft yellow light is believed to have a good effect on vision. so for the eyes it is useful to look at the setting sun and fire.

the yellow robe of buddhist monks symbolizes humility, the rejection of worldly desires.

yellow was van gogh's favorite color. the whole gamut of yellow was present on his canvases. but the artist considered the cold blue gamut the colors of death, eternity.

the writer gorky called new york the "yellow dragon" city because of the eternal bustle and the constant chase of its inhabitants for money.

if you like yellow color - you are an energetic and life-loving person who is in motion all the time, does not like to sit still and be bored.

if you are indifferent to the yellow color, then you place high demands on life and others.

if you reject the yellow color, then most often this indicates a complete loss of interest in life, a pessimistic attitude towards everything, a deep depression or emotional trauma.

if you reject the gold color, then you are not willing to accept yourself as you are, and you have communication problems.

dim yellow in the middle ages was considered a bad color. in france, the traitors' doors were painted yellow.

sunny, bright yellow color in clothes is very dark, those whose skin has a rich golden brown color with a warm peach blush. for them, yellow clothes will never be too much.

yellow shades well emphasize the green color of the eyes, make them expressive. use the yellow and gold accents in your costume closer to your face.

yellow in the interior helps to expand the space. but too rich yellow can tire and cause irritation, and slightly muted shades of yellow are great for the main color of the walls.






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