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Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя was, were, wasn’t, weren’t

1. There ____ a lot of people in the fast food restaurant last night. It was very busy!

2. «____ Katie at school last week? » «No, she ____ . She was sick.»

3. «These flowers are beautiful. ____ they expensive?» » No, they ____ «

4. ____ James and Sharlotte in the florist’s? Yes, they ____ .

5. That’s a pretty dress. ____ it in the sale? Yes, it ____ .

6. ____ there a toy shop in that shopping centre? No, there ____ .

7. Where ____ you yesterday, Sam? I ____ at the zoo with my mum.

8. We ____ at home last night. We ____ at the cinema with friends. ​

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. were

2. Was, wasn't

3. Were, weren't

4. Were, were

5. Was, was

6. Was, weren't

7. were, was

8. weren't, were

1. Because it's born with its eyes open

2. Long ago, when people didn't have scientific knowledge, they came up with rituals and superstitions to reduce their fear about unexplainable events

3. 13th floor is unlucky number, ''hell'' number - many people thinks so

4. If you give money away in Monday, you'll give money away all the week

5. Wear pearls

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