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Скласти діалог по ійське використовуючи такі слова can you tell us more? what happened tell me about

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Ответы на вопрос:

- hello! nice to see again!

- hello! me too! how are you? what did you do yesterday?

- i'm not good, but not bad, thank you. yestarday i fixed broken window.

- wow! what happened? tell me about it, please.

- neighbour's kids played at footbal. and, suddenly, the ball flew at my window. but they apoligized.

- and how did you react? can you yell us more about it?

- i reacted? ! firstlly, i was furious! but when they apoligized, i felt better. i think, they're good kids. it was a casual accident. and they helped me fixed the window!

- yes, they're good! i hope, everything is alright now.

- yes.

- well, good bye!

- good bye! have a lovely day!

1) the sofa is behind the armchairs. диван находится позади кресел.

2) the bookshelf is above the sofa. книжная полка раположена над диваном.

3) the cat is between   the sofa. кот находится в середине дивана.

4) there is a tv in the corner of the room. телевизор стоит в углу комнаты.

5) there is a table in the middle of the room. стол расположен посреди комнаты.

6) there is are chairs around the table. стулья стоят около стола.

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