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Вставте предложения вместо пропусков your freend: do you celebrate halloween in russia? you: is it your friend: yes, i like halloween very much because it is a holiday for children. you: your friend: we usually wear costumes of wiches and ghosts and go to the peoples houses, shouting (trick or treat! ) you: last halloween? your friend: i was wearing a skeleton costume. your friend: yes,we did. we were telling ghost stories and playing games all evening.

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Ответы на вопрос:

your friend: do you celebrate halloween in russia?

you:   yes, we do. and is it your favourite holiday?

your friend: yes, i like halloween very much because it is a holiday for children.

you: what do you usually wear?

your friend: we usually wear costumes of wiches and ghosts and go to the peoples houses, shouting (trick or treat! )

you: what was you wearing  last halloween? (я не совсем согласна с таким вопросом, но раз в ответе употреблено именно past continuous, нам остается подчиниться. а вообще я считаю, что здесь должен быть past simple, т.е. what did   you wear last halloween? и ответ i wore  a skeleton costume.)

your friend: i was wearing a skeleton costume.

you:   did you tell  ghost stories?

your friend: yes,we did. we were telling ghost stories and playing games all evening.


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