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Нужно поставить глаголы в скобках в нужную форму, то что в скобках неправильно - это только подсказка. peter was angry and felt fed up. he (was waiting) for his girl for more than an hour now, and she still (didn't turn up). in 5 minutes, he started thinking about (to go away) and asking himself why men (so often make) to wait by women. right at the moment when he thought she (will not) have another chance to upset him like that, she walked round the corner looking pleased with herself. her smile vanished when she(was seeing) the look on his face. "just look at your self! " she said. "i (will be) in trouble! " "you are late again," peter said. "but i am not! " she replied. "they set back the clock last night." peter looked at the clock on the town hall. it showed she was right. he came (earliest).

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Ответы на вопрос:

had been waiting, hadn’t turned up, going,were so often made ,wouldn’t,saw,have been, earlier.

Would you like (some cheese)?   thank you. you are welcome. have you got a pen? here you are! thank you. may i have (some) paper? here you are! thank you.

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