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If the guest did something with their own hands, then he gave it a lot of time and prepared for the name of the friend in advance. at first i determined what interests the birthday person most. and then he did his best to prepare a surprise for himself. it can be a homemade card with sincere wishes, a hand-made souvenir, a frame for your favorite shared photo. to such a thing a friend will treat with special respect and accuracy. a gift made by one's own hands is not only intended for your friend, but it also carries the warmth of the donor's heart. after all, the one who made the gift, put a piece of his soul into it. looking at your craft, the birthday boy will smile and think about you and your strong friendship. i very much hope that my grandfather managed to convince the granddaughter that it is better to give something done by oneself than to buy a soulless thing in the store.

Every year in this or that region of the world, there are strong floods of rivers, breakthroughs of dams and dams, earthquakes, storms and hurricanes, forest and peat fires.

Each natural disaster has its own characteristics, the nature of the defeats, the volume and scale of destruction, the magnitude of disasters and human casualties. Each in its own way leaves an imprint on the environment.

Knowledge of the causes and nature of natural disasters allows, with early adoption of protection measures, with reasonable behavior of the population, to significantly reduce all types of losses.

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