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Мини сочинение на языке с переводом "моя любимая игрушка" 4класс. для мальчика.

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My favourite toy is  a teddy bear. it is light brown, it has kind eyes and a smiling mouth. my father gave it to me on my fifth birthday. i like my teddy bear because it is very sweet and cuddly. my soft toy is talented because it can read stories and fairy-tales to me. i like to listen to his stories before going to bed. my bear can sit and sleep with me. when i get upset, it calms me down. my teddy bear is my best friend! перевод моя любимая игрушка – это плюшевый мишка. он светло-коричневого цвета. у него добрые глаза и улыбающийся рот. папа подарил его мне на мой пятый день рожденья. я люблю своего мишку, потому что он милый и мягкий. моя плюшевая игрушка талантлива, потому что мишка умеет читать мне рассказы и сказки. я люблю слушать его рассказы перед сном. мой мишка умеет сидеть и лежать вместе со мной. когда я расстраиваюсь, он меня успокаивает. плюшевый медведь – мой лучший друг!

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in breackets.

1. Please be quiet/ I am trying to read my book.

2. Did you hear the bad news? Simon broke his leg!

3.She always remembers my birthday .

4. Mr Brown works in a supermarket.

5. Shakespeare wrote a lot of plays.

6. I am not using the computer at the moment so you can use it.

7. I'm so tired. - Don't worry! I will help you.

8. She doesn't read the book because she isn't very interested in that author.

9. Now I am reading the magazine you lent me. I haven't fished yet.

10. By the time I got home they ate all the cake.

11. Why don't wear shorts? It's so hot today.

12. I just have remembered something.

13. Ruth is a vegetarian. She doesn't eat meat or fish.

14. Tom didn't come to the office yesterday because he was ill.

15. I have lost my wallet. Have you seen it anywhere?

16. His flat was really dirty. He obviously didn't clean it for weeks.

17. Jane is repairing her bike. She knows exactly what to do.



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